Monday, 21 January 2013


Whimbrel, Non-breeding



Far Eastern Curlew Nbr

Far Eastern Curlew, in moult to Non-breeding.

Same individual, Primaries almost finish moulting.

Far Eastern Curlew Nbr

Far Eastern Curlew, in moult to Non-breeding.

Same individual, shows moult in Tail feathers.

Same individual, shows moult in Primaries.

Black-tailed Godwit 1S-2W

Black-tailed Godwit, in moult to Non-breeding.

Since there're not much breeding plumage, it probably in moult to 2nd Non-breeding.

 I think adult bird should have more breeding plumage in this stage.

Black and Bar -tailed Godwit

Size comparison of 2 Godwits.
Black-tailed Godwit on left, Bar-tailed Godwit on right.
 Black-tailed Godwit.  Moult to non-breeding.

Great Knot Br

Great Knot, Breeding Plumage.

Red Knot Juv

Red Knot, juvenile.

Fine black subterminal band.

Red Knot Br

Red Knot, Breeding.

Left individual.

Right individual.

Red Knot Nbr

Red Knot, Non-breeding.

Same individual.

Same individual.

Same individual.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Nbr

 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Non-breeding.

Same individual.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Nbr

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Non-breeding. 

Same individual.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Nbr

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Non-breeding.